Board of Directors
Erin Neuburger
Vice President
Jim Still
Gretchen Vosburgh
Brian Madden
“As a parishioner, I think about the St. Therese Stewardship Covenant. Stewardship calls each of us to commit our time, talent, and treasure to God. My husband and I have spent past few years attending the FIRE fundraisers and gaining additional knowledge of the foundation. With that, I am faithfully compelled to commit the same stewardship to a foundation that provides children with special needs the opportunity for an inclusive Catholic education. It takes time, talent, and treasure from many to continue on this special journey and I am excited to be involved.”
—FIRE Foundation Board Member

Board Members
- Karl Barron
- Katheigh Degen
- Chris Gaughan
- Buffy Gunter
- Maribeth Joyce
- Sally Kammerer
- Marie Kissick
- Mary Madden
- Courtney Root
- Mark Rieger
- Jenny Stasi
- Sean Switzer
- Ryan Underwood
- Mark Ungashick
- Peggy VanDyke
- Ryan VanDyke
- Maureen Whittaker